Search in Body produced no results even if search string matches many emails. Body search not available
Hey There,
Hope everyone is doing great!
The body search feature is missing in my Thunderbird. Searching for any text that I know appears in a body also returns no results. How do I enable this?
Please let me know if it's a setting that prevents this option from showing up. ( Just a thought, if it is some setting, could it be grayed out instead with a tool tip text to show why it's grayed out instead of removing the option completely? )
Cheers, Tom
All Replies (2)
Select 'Run search on server' to make body search available.
After clicking "Run search on server" I now see the "Body" option. However, that produces 0 results though I know the search string exists in the Body. What is interesting, I use my webmail with my ISP to search in the Body (or I guess "Content" as they have it) and there's also 0 results.
This would suggest this is my ISP. My ISP is ionos.com btw. Will follow up with them.
Cheers, Tom