Opening a text edit document in Firefox
Hello, I am a beginning student in web design. I am trying to open a simple document in text edit with Firefox. When I open the file in a new tab, nothing appears. How can I fix this? Thank you
All Replies (3)
have u saved it then reloaded the page? if u have and dosent work then go to textedit ,format and change it to plain text then save again and it might say to override the existing doc click yes and the try..... just trying to help
- then try
Finally found this one!!!
1. Make .txt file. 2. Add this for Firefox: <body contentEditable="true" onload="load()"> Or both that and this for IE: JavaScript: function load(){
window.document.designMode = "On";
} 3. Change it to an .html file. 4. Create a bookmark for the file. You can use "Google Shortcuts" if FF easily, or check out "Custom Buttons" and the user forum.
For more info: https://code.google.com/p/browserscope/source/browse/trunk/categories/richtext2 https://developer.mozilla.org/en/rich-text_editing_in_mozilla#Example_1/static/editable.html?r=775
SOLVED! For me, at least. You can edit as you please, and then save the file fro your browser. When it reloads, Its all there!! ALso check out: "It's all text!"