Any explanation why the display and icons as well as the display page get larger when I click on Firefox?
Beginning May 24 when I open Firefox the display screen gets dark and then the icons return greatly enlarged. When firefox opens it also is greatly enlarged. This does not happen with Internet Explorer. How can I get it back to normal size? Email me at bobpeg856@att.net
All Replies (2)
If starting Firefox affects your Windows screen display, you may have a compatibility setting in the shortcut you use to start Firefox.
Try this: close Firefox and right-click the shortcut (e.g., on the desktop or quick launch, whatever is relevant), choose Properties, then the Compatibility tab. Clear any settings/checkboxes there. Then restart Firefox. Does that help?
As a friend use to say "I knew I would figure it out!" Seriously, thanks so much. I did what you suggested and it worked. What I don't understand is why the problem just started when it has worked so well over the past.