I'm using Mac OSX Tiger 10.4.11 and can't seem to find a version that is compatible
Please help me find the correct link to download a version that will work on my Mac OSX Tiger 10.4.11. The links from the forums take me to a page that doesn't exist. Help me, I'm desperate.
All Replies (2)
Firefox does not support Mac 10.4 anymore. Firefox no longer works with Mac OS X 10.4 or PowerPC processors This article does have a community powered version of Firefox that does work with 10.4 however.
TenFourFox is for only for ppc mac, not intel mac, like slindquist's mac.
see : http://caminobrowser.org/
if you like to think about it, the latest but unsupported firefox for your mac is 3.6.28
thank you