How to resume incomplete downloads in firefox using Windows 7?
So I've been download a file which is 1.80 GB, I let it download overnight but when I checked it. The download stopped in 1.60 GB and I don't really feel like downloading it all over again.
I searched in Google for some ways to resume it, there are some that seems to be working. But when I tried, it won't work. Like the .PART method, since I'm using Windows 7 the incomplete and the .PART file won't merge (or whatever they call it)!
Is there a way to merge those two files? Or am I doing it wrong? Please help, I'm like 20mb-200mb (or whatever the leftover is) away from finishing that damn download.
All Replies (3)
Try with Downthem all or Any other Download Manager
- Move the old .part partial download and the final file without the .part that has size 0 to another location.
- Start a new download and pause it, don't close Firefox.
- Copy the two files (.part and 0 byte final) that you moved above back to the download location to replace the new files that were created.
- Resume the download in Firefox.
If that doesn't work then the server may not support resuming.
Thank for share, i've this problem too