Group name against To: should not dispaly their individual email addresses : reply to tiwana@bellaliant.net
If I give group name say FRIENDS to all contacts under this group, then writing FRIENDS against To: should not show their individual addreses. This works against BCc:, but it should also work against To:
In Eudora, I only wrote To: FRIENDS No body knew who else recvd the message
It worked great in Eudora. I tried TB, but by habit wrote group name against To: and spiled the beans. I don't want others to know who else receivesd the message, I know it works in BCc
Jagpal tiwana@bellaliant.net
All Replies (4)
You are not using Eudora anymore. Use BCC in Thunderbird if you want to hide the contact addresses.
In any email program one can use BCC.
That was a unique feature in Eudora Why cant TB has it
Because no one has developed such a feature, is why Thunderbird does not have it. That feature you speak of is essentially a hybrid mail merge. such as https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/addon/mail-merge/?src=ss
Perhaps you need to get into the habit of sending mail merge mail if BCC does not meet your needs.
There is an add-on that will check the number of recipients in the To or Cc box to guard against sending without Bcc: