Personal certificate says sucessfully restored after import, but does not display on list of certificates.
I am having the same problem as in this ticket, but the solution doesnt work for me:
Firefox -> Prefrences -> Advanced -> Certificates -> View certificates -> import Select the cert, enter password, then i get this message:
Successfully restored your security certificate(s) and private key(s). However the cert does not show up on my cert list, and i cannot access the site that requires this cert.
I am using Mac OSX 10.6.8 and Firefox 29. I do know that the certificate itself works because i can use it on another machine. I tried deleting both CERT8.db and SECMOD.db with no success.
I hope someone knows how to fix this because i need to file my taxes!!!!
Thanks in advance
All Replies (1)
We could actually use help on this issue as well: [Bug 995801 - EV identifier is no longer displayed in Location Bar/Arrow Panel after a restart of Firefox]
I do not recommend this but if you cannot import your cert in time for taxes Install an older version of Firefox