How to ovverride locked setting(homepage) in custom profile?
I have firefox.cfg file with locked settings, for example default value for 'browser.startup.homepage'. For my tests I need to create a custom profile, and ovverride this preference 'browser.startup.homepage'. It`s possible? Or a new created profile will have the same locked preferences?
All Replies (1)
If you override settings via a mozilla.cfg file then this applies to all profile started via that Firefox installation. You would either have to disable the .js file that specifies the mozilla.cfg file or create a second custom installation hat doesn't have the mozilla.cfg file. The purpose of the mozilla.cfg file is that you can't override it.
If you really want to override it then check the profile folder that is used and exclude that specific folder name from that pref call.
The mozilla.cfg file is evaluated as a JavaScript file and can contain advanced JavaScript code that runs with chrome privileges.
- http://mike.kaply.com/2012/03/16/customizing-firefox-autoconfig-files/
- http://mike.kaply.com/2012/03/22/customizing-firefox-advanced-autoconfig-files/
var {classes:Cc,interfaces:Ci,utils:Cu} = Components; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); var profD = Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsILocalFile).path;