Writing guide for Knowledge Base articles
This Mozilla Support Document Guide includes picking a good title, writing a search summary, organizing your article and a style guide.
How to contribute to the Knowledge Base
Learn how you can contribute to Mozilla Support by writing or improving support articles.
When and how to use keywords to improve an article's search ranking
The keywords field in an article can be used to improve search results. It should be used only under specific circumstances though as misuse can hurt search.
How to make screenshots
Learn how to take screenshots on Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android to enhance your Knowledge Base articles with clear visuals.
Edit a Knowledge Base article
How to edit Mozilla Support articles.
Add screencasts to Knowledge Base articles
How to add a video or animation of what's displayed on a computer screen to a Knowledge Base article.
Improve the Knowledge Base
Help improve the Mozilla Support Knowledge Base by making revisions to existing articles or by creating new articles.
About the Knowledge Base
Learn about the Mozilla Support (SUMO) Knowledge Base and how it works.
How to use "For" tags
Learn how to use “for” markup in Mozilla Support articles, to show content for different operating systems and product versions
Article review and approval guidelines
Guidelines for reviewing KB articles including revision levels, feedback for editors, ready for localization, top articles and big changes.
Technical writing program
This is the description of the SUMO technical writing program
Anatomy of a Knowledge Base article
This article explains the different parts of a support article, such as this search summary that tells you what an article is about.
Create a new Knowledge Base article
Guidelines and a template for creating a new article.
Markup cheat sheet
This is a list of the most commonly used wiki markup in support articles.
Add images and screenshots to Knowledge Base articles
Elevate your Knowledge Base contributions with the power of visuals. Learn how to effectively integrate images into your articles.
Article Description
Fill out an article description before writing an article.
Article discussion forums
Discuss articles with other Mozilla Support team members.
Article status and change type
Learn what are considered top articles for the Knowledge Base, as well as what constitutes a big change or a minor change.
Using the Knowledge Base Dashboard
Learn to use the Knowledge Base Dashboard to view a list of Mozilla Support articles.
Best practices for creating new video tutorials
This article provides a series of best practices so that you can create high-quality video tutorials to better serve users using Mozilla's products.
How to obtain a shortened mzl.la link
This article explains how to obtain a shortened mzl.la link
Editorial guidelines for Mozilla accounts
The goal of these guidelines is to ensure we're talking about Mozilla accounts consistently across all of our products.
Content community best practices for Bugzilla tickets
Consider the following Bugzilla best practices when contributing to the Knowledge Base Content queue within support.mozilla.org.
Firefox version support policy for Knowledge Base content
Learn about SUMO's version support policy for Firefox, focusing on the latest, previous and ESR versions to keep content relevant.
Submit a SUMO knowledge base content request
Learn how to submit a request to the SUMO staff content team and contributors.
Best practices to use GIFs in KB articles
Use animated GIF images in KB articles, to reduce cognitive load and improve user experience effectively. Learn more.