Writing guide for Knowledge Base articles
This Mozilla Support Document Guide includes picking a good title, writing a search summary, organizing your article and a style guide.
How to contribute to the Knowledge Base
Learn how you can contribute to Mozilla Support by writing or improving support articles.
Anatomy of a Knowledge Base article
This article explains the different parts of a support article, such as this search summary that tells you what an article is about.
Editorial guidelines for Mozilla accounts
The goal of these guidelines is to ensure we're talking about Mozilla accounts consistently across all of our products.
"About" article type best practices
"About" articles answer "What is…" questions, helping users understand essential information about our products, features, or services.
"How-to" article type best practices
“How-to” articles answer “How to…?” questions and help readers understand the steps to accomplish a specific goal or procedure.
"Troubleshooting" article type best practices
"Troubleshooting" articles address “How do I fix...?” questions that arise when users encounter problems with our products, services, or features.
"FAQ" article type best practices
"FAQ" (Frequently Asked Questions) articles serve as a consolidated resource for addressing common inquiries about a single topic.
Best practices to use GIFs in KB articles
Use animated GIF images in KB articles, to reduce cognitive load and improve user experience effectively. Learn more.